Mirrorless camera technology perspectives. Is it the future or the trend that will pass?

Mirrorless camera technology perspectives. Is it the future or the trend that will pass?

Let’s talk about the future of camera technologies. The future that is partially already here as two major camera brands - Nikon and Canon - introduced their new full-frame mirrorless cameras this year. Of course, these aren’t the very first mirrorless cameras on the market, because Sony’s amazing cameras have been around for a while, but we are jumping ahead of ourselves.

How To Photograph Fast-Moving Formula 1 Cars

How To Photograph Fast-Moving Formula 1 Cars

You’re walking around busy streets of a big city, trying to get some shots, when you realize that you want to take a picture of a road with cars passing by, because this kind of scenery is the perfect representation of the urban life. Some cars finally enter your frame, you snap your shot and look at the screen, but all the fast-moving objects are blurred. “Why is that?” you may wonder, thinking that those were not the fastest cars in the world. Somehow photographers at the Formula 1 auto racing manage to take perfectly sharp pictures of racing cars, which drive so fast it may seem that they are flying. How do they do that? In this article you will find some crucial guidelines for you. First of all, let’s imagine that you are at the Formula 1 and you want to take a few pictures, because if you can shoot racing cars, you surely will be able to work with regular ones. When shooting fast-moving objects there are several things to consider.

5 Best Camera Apps For Your Smartphone

5 Best Camera Apps For Your Smartphone

Imagine this: suddenly you see a perfectshot or you happen to witness an amazing event, yet you don’t have your beloved camera with you. It may seem that the moment is gone. But in the XXI century almost everybody carries around a phone with a built-in camera - a couple of taps and you’ve capture the desired image. Although, native camera apps may be easy to use, they usually don’t give photographers much of creative freedom. You can just focus on an object, set exposure and click the shutter button. For those who love photography and prefer to adjust the settings manually, this may not be enough . If you feel like you’re one of these people, we’ve compiled a list of the 5 best camera-apps with the help of which you’ll be able to turn your phone into a real camera.

8 Best Places To Take Photos in New York City

8 Best Places To Take Photos in New York City

New York City or as it is also called «The Big Apple» is located on the shore of the Atlantic Ocean. It is a city of hopes and dreams, bright lights and dizzyingly tall skyscrapers. New York City has appeared in multiple American movies and served as a source of inspiration for thousands of photographers. If you are about to go on a trip to this legendary city, you have to be prepared that your hands are going to reach for the camera all the time, because almost every single street in New York City is picture-perfect. In case you get lost in such a diverse scenery, we offer you the list of 8 spots, where you will definitely take the most beautiful and interesting images.

Expert Advice About Choosing Digital Camera

Expert Advice About Choosing Digital Camera

Buying a brand new camera and trying to navigate through the world of so many unfamiliar terms can be daunting and challenging, especially for a beginner. The previous post might have sorted out several confusing aspects, but it is a relatively big topic to cover. So if you have some questions left unanswered , this post is definitely going to be of great help.