Top 10 Ideas for LinkedIn Background Photo - Promote Your Brand on a Business-Oriented Platform

Top 10 Ideas for LinkedIn Background Photo - Promote Your Brand on a Business-Oriented Platform

LinkedIn is a social platform that is chiefly used for career advancement and business-oriented networking. There, you can publish your CV, if you are a job seeker, or post a job, if you are an employer or recruiter.

LinkedIn was launched in 2003 and now it’s used by people in 200+ countries, which allows you to connect and establish fruitful partnerships with people all over the world. With its help, it’s possible to find a job outside of the city or even country that you’re currently living in as well as search for remote job opportunities.

LinkedIn grants you the amazing opportunity to find new business partners, expand your network of connections and get your dream job.

What Is Image Optimization. Why It`s Important To Optimize Images For Web

What Is Image Optimization. Why It`s Important To Optimize Images For Web

The human brain processes a lot of images 60 thousand times faster than text. It is so arranged that we perceive visual content better. This is confirmed by road signs, which are presented in the form of an image, not text. So, people can understand the information while driving by car. Therefore, it`s very important to think not only about the text content but also about the visual part of it when developing your website on the Internet.

Let’s turn to statistics.

About 80% of users remember what they saw. And according to publishers, traffic grows 12 times faster when using visual content.

This is the confirmation of why you need to think about the visual component of your site.

How to Watermark Photos on Android in 2024

How to Watermark Photos on Android in 2024

Nowadays, it’s almost expected of you to share photos from your trips or memorable events on your social media. And that’s where you may face some danger. For example, you upload a few images to your Facebook account.

A week later, you see those same images on another website or social media account. You’re more than sure that you’ve never uploaded your photos there and no mention of your name is anywhere in sight, which leads you to a horrifying conclusion – your photos have been stolen.

Unfortunately, content theft isn’t uncommon – it’s actually awfully widespread, especially on social networks.

How To Watermark Your Instagram Photos in 2024

How To Watermark Your Instagram Photos in 2024

Photography is a form of visual art that allows you to tell a story without using a single word. Thanks to Instagram, we can now share our works with the rest of the world.

This very platform granted us the opportunity to express ourselves, talk about what interests, excites and bothers us. It has drastically changed the business scene and helped hundreds of people to realize their dreams.

Instagram has over 1 billion active users from all over the world.