PDF is an extremely popular format for storing and sharing documents. It’s incredibly versatile. You can fill up a PDF document with various content – text, images, charts, tables – create complex layouts, add hyperlinks and so on. If you need to print out a document, its digital version should definitely be in PDF; then you will get great results. Also, it’s quite easy to view PDFs – you literally only need a browser for it. On top of all that, one of PDF’s main advantages is that it’s very safe and secure because it’s quite hard to edit; in some cases, it’s not even possible to copy any text in a PDF document!
Street photography is, hands down, one of the most challenging genres of photography. It involves a lot of elements that might force people to get out of their comfort zone. If you want to create truly good images, you need to be ready to put in quite a lot of hard work. Documenting daily life is no easy task. Sometimes you’ll need to react quickly as you’ll have mere seconds to capture a great moment that tells a story. But other times you’ll need to be patient and wait for the right time to snap your shot.
As a food photographer you probably know that food needs to be photographed in a way that’s not merely visually appealing. No, a truly beautiful food photo has to evoke a particular memory, taste or smell in people’s minds. In other words, if you snapped a picture of an orange and by looking at it, people can actually feel a faint taste of an orange in their mouths, then you did a spectacular job. Your photo has to make people want to be a part of the scene, eat and drink whatever they are looking at. That’s not exactly a simple task. In fact, it can be quite a challenge.
Self-portrait photography is something that even some professional photographers with years of experience can be intimidated by. It’s okay if the idea of sitting in front of a camera and taking images of yourself stirs up some resistance in you, as well. You might think that this is quite a vain thing to do. That it’s pointless. Or maybe you don’t like the way you look, and this is why the idea of being your own model scares you.