How To Sequentially Number Images

When sending images to your customers, it’s very important to make ordering as easy as possible. The biggest problem is to remember all filenames they want to order. A combination of IMG or DSC with a random number isn’t somewhat easy to remember for you and your customer.

It’s a good idea to sequentially number images before sending them to your customers. It’s so much easier for them to say they want images 4, 8, 15 and 27 than look into filenames and say they want files DSC02154.jpg, DSC03153.jpg and DSC15345.jpg.

How To Blend Watermark Into Photo

To watermark or not to watermark photos? This is an endless debate between photographers. Why do photographers use watermarks? Indeed, visual watermarks protect your ownership and copyright from online theft. In some instances, photographers use watermarks for self-promotion, recognition and advertising purposes. You can watermark photos using professional software such as Visual Watermark.

It’s obvious however, that visual watermarks (like logos, large stamps or texts) carelessly placed, distract from the overall look and feel of a photo. When you see such a watermarked photo, all you think about is the watermark.