Everything You Need To Know About DMCA

Everything You Need To Know About DMCA

Active development of electronic technology and the internet has simplified life of information pirates and plagiaries. Today everybody can easily copy, duplicate and distribute other people’s intellectual products. In order to control this situation in 1996 the World Intellectual Property Organization developed the WIPO Copyright Treaty (WCT) as well as the WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty (WPPT). These documents formed the basis for international laws protecting copyright and regulating relationship between rights holders, intermediaries and consumers of intellectual products.

What Is A Copyright?

What Is A Copyright?

Writers, artists, musicians, photographers and other people who are engaged in creative professions get paid for the use of their works. Unfortunately, in real life this statement is not always true. We’ll say more, in the modern internet era creators of different intellectual products such as artists, photographers or software developers often get nothing for copying and usage of their works. Therefore, let us correct the first sentence and say that people of art MUST get paid. Copyright provides such a liability for users of borrowed content.

How To Find Out Who Used Your Photos

How To Find Out Who Used Your Photos

Alas, nowadays it’s hard to protect your artwork from unauthorized use. In this respect, the Web is especially inhospitable towards photographers. You are probably aware of some outrageous photo-thefts discussed in the media. If you are a professional or amateur photographer, make sure that your photos are duly protected from illegal use. Always create a watermark for your photos. If you suspect that they are used illegally somewhere, you can check your suspicions. Just use one of the following services.

How To Rename Watermarked Photos

Rename Images feature allows you to “prettify” your filenames and make them meaningful. This is very useful if you’re going to send them to your customers or doubt you’ll easily find a photo between IMG_XXXX.jpg and DSCXXXX.jpg files.