Version 34 Adds Support for 64-bit Windows

Version 34 Adds Support for 64-bit Windows

I’m pleased to announce first 64-bit version of Visual Watermark app for Windows. 32-bit programs on Windows can allocate just about 1.3Gb of memory. By going to 64-bit architecure we removed this limitation. Visual Watermark can as much memory as available in your computer. This means you can watermark bigger images faster: we will load them all into memory and will do more jobs in parallel.

We preserved capability with 32-bit versions of Windows, so if you have older version of Windows, you will still get new updates and features.

French and Polish localizations

We launched Visual Watermark creator for french- and polish-speaking customers. Our translators from Strasbourg and Warszawa localized both our website and application. If you speak French or Polish, please download new version - it will appear in your language automatically.

Bug-fixes and smaller features

  • 6 new effects;
  • Add image number as a watermark;
  • Improves background removal from logos;
  • Tile feature - Fixes inconsistent spacing between watermark items;
  • Tile feature - Fixes tile for complex watermark templates;
  • Tile feature - Improves auto-size;
  • Windows 10 - Fixes issue with folder selection;
  • Fixes incorrectly scaled images;
  • Fixes loading of 32-bit per pixel images without transparency;
  • Fixes loading older watermark templates;

Download new version from our website

The upgrade is free for all customers. Simply download new version from our website here: Please uninstall older version before installing a new one.

Photo Credit: Bad Apple Photography