New Feature For Real-Estate Agents In Visual Watermark 4.21

Say, you’re a realtor and just starting to watermark your images. There is a big chance, you have hundreds of properties that have individual folders with numerous photos that you want to watermark. Watermarking each folder individually is obviously going to be time consuming, therefore we added a new feature to keep each folder separate.

You drag entire Properties folder into Visual Watermark software and configure your watermark template. You upload your logo, enter your company name and hit the Watermark button.

When the watermarking process completes, you will get exactly the same property folders in the output folder as you have in your original folder. If you choose to rename or number your images, these features will correctly number photos in every property folder.

Did you know that you can share exactly your watermark template across your company? Once you complete a watermarking, click the Export Watermark Template button in the Watermarking Report screen. This will produce a file with .vwm4 extension on your disk. Share it with your colleagues and ask them to open it – this will import the template into the program. The watermark will have the same content, size and position as it has on your computer.

The feature is available in update 4.21 of Visual Watermark creator. You can download it from our website:

Download Visual Watermark

Installer will upgrade your current installation automatically: no uninstall or re-activation required.