The main goal of all businessmen is to attract as much customers as possible. Owners of restaurants, cafes, fitness clubs and shops search for clientele through the endless space of internet. On the other hand, prospective clients also look for them here. Google with its new program helps to connect these parts together and create an effective collaboration between them. Today we’ll learn more about this service and see how both novice and experienced photographers could benefit from it.
How does it work?
Frequently, some textual information about a company is not enough for customers to make a positive decision. While image content is a completely different story. For example, if you have the access to real photos of a café, it won’t be a surprise to see velvet tablecloth or purple flowers when you come to have a snack there. People can feel the atmosphere of a place before visiting it. Shortly speaking, vivid pictures draw attention, encourage hesitating persons to come to a particular place.
A good picture tells you far more than text. One picture can reveal the information equal to millions of words.
Of course, business owners can take pictures of their property by themselves. But we all understand that it’s better to entrust the creation of panoramic views to someone who cut their teeth on photography nuances. In order to join talented photographers and owners of public places seeking for promotion in one field Google launched a brand new service called Business Photos in 2011.
The company started its program for certified photographers who are recommended to companies or individual entrepreneurs as excellent specialists of photography. To obtain the special certificate first of all candidates have to fulfill a request on the website (click here). Then candidates approved by Google get well paid orders for making professional pictures of stores.

Image © Trey Ratcliff
The program also makes it possible to display panoramic photos of a public space directly in the list of search results. Every user of Google could open the door a crack, admire the interior and even fall in love with the place beforehand. This Google service gases pace little by little and becomes a powerful marketing instrument, so good photographers with serious portfolio are in big demand now. Have you already signed to Google Plus? If not, please, amend the problem and register your personal profile immediately.
Requirements for future Trusted Photographers
Once you’ve decided to join the society of Google Trusted Photographers, you’ve got to grand the following demands:
- As we mentioned above, you need the Gmail account. Notice: profile information is of great importance. It should include significant facts about your biography and professional career.
- Your personal photographer website. Website is the greatest way to make the world know about your talent. We’ve discussed the necessity of personal blogs or websites for photographers in the previous post.
- Computer with access to the internet and photo editing programs.
- Photography equipment including not only standard set of tools, but also fisheye lens and panohead to create panoramic photos.
- Experience and skills in the sphere of photography and sales. Notice: you will likely have to work in limited spaces and bad lightening.
- Being ready to spend more than 30 hours a week for the Business Photos program.

Image © Stéphanie Kilgast
Advantages of being a Google Recommended Photographer
If you are lucky (we mean talented and experienced) enough, your candidature will be approved and you’ll get the certificate. What are your plus points?
- You’ll increase your customers’ base.
- You’ll make new acquaintances and some of them may occur to be pretty valuable for your business.
- You’ll get free training and support.
- You’ll improve the quality of your photos.
- You’ll earn decent money.
If you feel the strong desire to create panoramic pictures of public places and enlarge your list of successful projects, do not lose the chance provided by Google. Good luck!