Tag 'resize' Archive

How to Resize an Image on an iPhone. Best ways

How to Resize an Image on an iPhone. Best ways

Since its debut in 2007, the iPhone’s camera has evolved significantly. These days the resolution and the quality of images that these tiny cameras produce is truly astounding. Moreover, sometimes, it’s even impossible to tell whether a photo was taken on an iPhone or a digital camera. It sounds great but there’s a downside.

How to Make a Picture Smaller

How to Make a Picture Smaller

Pictures of relatively large sizes are often difficult to send or keep. It is therefore essential to reduce the size of these images if you want a more efficient transmission and storage process. Cutting down on the data volume in your pictures will result in a much faster loading speed.

What Is Image Optimization. Why It`s Important To Optimize Images For Web

What Is Image Optimization. Why It`s Important To Optimize Images For Web

The human brain processes a lot of images 60 thousand times faster than text. It is so arranged that we perceive visual content better. This is confirmed by road signs, which are presented in the form of an image, not text. So, people can understand the information while driving by car. Therefore, it`s very important to think not only about the text content but also about the visual part of it when developing your website on the Internet.

Let’s turn to statistics.

About 80% of users remember what they saw. And according to publishers, traffic grows 12 times faster when using visual content.

This is the confirmation of why you need to think about the visual component of your site.